Teachers Gone Rogue

What is it about?

The Teachers Gone Rogue (RLTGR) Program offers a 10-month support system for educators to remodel their approach to learning. It’s an unlearning and re-training to approach the work with kids through a completely different lens where the focus isn’t on performance or results, but rather on growth and development while honoring each individual’s human dignity, unique configuration and chosen path?

The program includes two week-long in-person trainings transforming participants' educational perspectives; 10 months of coaching; 10 mentorship sessions; Freedom to Learn (an online course helping educators support childrens’ learning autonomy); and Communication that Transforms Relationships (an online course supporting educators develop their communication skills).

The question many teachers are asking is:

How did I end up here… working in a system that values production and results over people, when all I ever wanted was to be with and support kids?

Many educators express concern and frustration with having to put more and more of their time into preparing kids for exams.

They know that the one-size-fits-all approach is unjust as it does not allow teachers to give their students a fair chance to thrive.

Many of these teachers wish to rekindle the flame of passion that they once had for supporting young people - one that has been squashed by an oxidized system that has disempowered them along the way.

Our solution to the educational crisis

Throughout the world, and particularly in the United States, the focus on production and outcome in the education system has only intensified over the years. The idea that it’s possible to “guarantee” the future success of students (and the country) is a driving force for an increase in measurement and a “one-size-fits-all" approach to education.

However, even after almost 200 years of mass schooling across the globe, the education system as such has never been evaluated. Instead, the focus is still on forcing all children to accommodate to standardization and homogenization without any consideration for personal skills, talents, interests or preferences. Stress levels are skyrocketing in learners and educators alike. Building trusting relationships with children and creating a safe environment where they can explore, learn and evolve has never been on the list of priorities. And yet, this is what research shows makes children thrive.

We have developed the Radical Learning Teachers Gone Rouge Program (RLTGR) to meet these unmet needs of holistic and consistent support to help educators:

  • Shift their thinking around education, learning and what it means to be in a relationship with young people.

  • Develop tools to support students’ learning autonomy and agency.

  • Foster a healthy learning environment and culture where everyone can grow, learn and thrive together.

  • Build unconventional and agile systems to support both learners and their parents.

The program includes:


The Shift is a 7 day life-changing in-person training/experience for parents, educators & other learning community members that want to transform how they relate to kids & support their learning, autonomy & agency outside the conventional school system.

During the span of a week, we foster connection, build community, and center consent, where participants transform how they think about, communicate with and relate to others - kids and adults alike.

We learn, develop and exercise tools that promote agency, consent, empowerment, shared power and culture creation - so we can thrive together as an emergent community. Becoming the best version of ourselves isn't just about gaining knowledge; it’s about moving beyond theory into practice.

The Shift simply can't be explained… It can only be experienced!

Facilitation support

Online coaching where we support teachers to move away from conventional teaching, lean into new approaches of facilitation,  unlock their full potential and get powerful tools that help them boost their facilitation skills, create authentic relationships with both kids and parents, and develop methods to support kids learning, autonomy & agency.

Mentorship program

Mentorship Sessions where teachers connect with other ex-teachers/teachers that have gone rouge and have successfully stepped away from the conventional system. Mentors have either started their own alternative education programs or supported other non-conventional learning environments and share their experience and expertise with mentees looking for support and guidance along the way. The mentorship focuses on support in navigating any questions and learning from folks who have been in and transitioned from the conventional system.

Freedom to Learn

An extensive online course that supports adults in recognizing oxidized beliefs that get in the way of supporting the liberated learning of young people and developing new ways of thinking, communicating and relating which empower learners and families on their unconventional learning path. The course is self-study at one’s own pace and there are monthly meet ups to explore reflections, curiosities and learnings.

Communication that Transforms Relationships

A hands-on, practical online course that helps adults overcome the challenges in communication and learn how to build authentic, trusting and equitable relationships with young people - and humans of all ages. The course is self-study at one’s own pace.