Radical Learning
Through Relationships

Our solution to the struggles in SDE-communities

Through our experience in founding and directing Agile Learning Communities (Cottonwood NYC & Explora ALC) and via our organization Radical Learning, we have interacted with and provided in-person training to many self-directed learning families that have stepped away from conventional schooling. We know what the struggles are.

Staff retention and learner enrollment are huge barriers for growth. So is the lack of tools and resources to support facilitators and parents in addressing fears and concerns around their own culturally-ingrained beliefs about learning & being in relationship with young people.

We have developed the Radical Learning Through Relationship-Program to meet the unmet needs of holistic and consistent support, providing 10 months of both online and in-person support and resources.

Our program provides support and resources for self-directed communities, facilitators and parents to foster a healthy learning environment where everyone can grow, learn and thrive together.

By providing this program directly to SDE/unschooling communities we help increase satisfaction, retention, enrollment and support facilitators and parents to walk this unconventional path with confidence, ease and new tools and methods to support their self-directed learners.

The Radical Learning Through Relationships Program provides both online and in-person support and resources to 10 unschooling/SDE communities who are seeking support for their facilitators, staff & parents to deeply transform how they think about, speak to and relate to the young people in their care.

The program includes:


The Shift is a 7 day life-changing in-person training/experience for parents, educators & other learning community members that want to transform how they relate to youth and support their learning, autonomy & agency outside the conventional school system.

During the span of a week, we foster connection, build community, and center consent, where participants transform how they think about, communicate with and relate to others - kids and adults alike.

We learn, develop and exercise tools that promote agency, consent, empowerment, shared power and culture creation - so we can thrive together as an emergent community. Becoming the best version of ourselves isn't just about gaining knowledge; it’s about moving beyond theory into practice.

The Shift simply can't be explained… It can only be experienced!

Facilitation Support

17 bi-weekly online coaching sessions where facilitators unlock there full potential and get powerful tools that help them boost their facilitations skills, create authentic relationships with both learners and parents, and develop methods to support uoung people’s learning, autonomy & freedom.

We provide facilitators with tangible support to deepen their confidence and facilitation skills, develop new practices to support self-directed learners in developing more autonomy and independence, and learn how to build consent-based and trusting relationships with learners and their parents. 

Parent circles

9 facilitated circles supporting parents to address specific fears, challenges and limiting beliefs and providing tools to support them in actively engaging with their children in their learning journey.

We know that stepping away from the conventional school system can be daunting and embracing SDE/unschooling can bring up loads of fears and questions along the way.

By challenging outdated views of learning focused on outcome and production, and instead embracing new tools based on trust, play and authenticity, we can empower kids in their unconventional learning and support adults to empower kids’ learning, autonomy and freedom!

Freedom to Learn

An extensive online course that supports adults in recognizing oxidized beliefs that get in the way of supporting the liberated learning of young people and developing new ways of thinking, communicating and relating which empower learners and families on their unconventional learning path.

The Vela Fund

Thanks to the Next Step Vela Fund Grant, we’re able to offer this program starting the end of 2023 through 2024.